Where is the company incorporated?


What is Core Scientific’s fiscal year?

Our fiscal year begins on January 1st and ends on December 31st.

Who is Core Scientific’s auditor?

KPMG LLP is our auditor.

How many employees does Core Scientific have?

We have approximately 235 full-time employees as of December 31, 2022.

Where can I learn more about Core Scientific?

Please view our website and corporate filings to learn more about Core Scientific.

How can I view documents Core Scientific has filed with the Securities & Exchange Commission?

Please click here to view our SEC filings.

Who makes up Core Scientific’s Executive Management Team?

Please click here to visit our Executive Team page.

Whom should I contact regarding investor inquiries?

Please contact our investor relations department at ir@corescientific.com

Where is Core Scientific’s corporate headquarters?

838 Walker Road
Suite 21-2105
Dover, DE 19904

Does Core Scientific pay dividends?

No, not at this time.

What are the locations that Core Scientific operates in?

Georgia, Kentucky, North Carolina, North Dakota and Texas

How do I receive automatic updates via email?

Please click here to sign up for our distribution list.

How can I purchase Core Scientific shares?

Shares of Core Scientific, Inc. trade on the Nasdaq market under the symbol CORZ and can be purchased through any retail brokerage.

When is Core Scientific’s next earnings release?

Please click here to view our upcoming events.